kiva-marie creations

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Lessons from my cup of coffee

I love coffee. The coffee itself is good, but mostly I love drinking coffee because I associate it with so many positive things: mornings spent with my mum, conversations with good friends, tidbits of serenity in the chaos of a busy day.

I think we can learn from almost anything how to cultivate well-being in ourselves. Coffee is no exception. Here are four things I think we can learn from our daily cup o’ joe:

1) Take time to savour the moment.

No matter how busy your day is/will be, it is worth taking a small bit of time out to just be still and enjoy right now. Paradoxically, slowing down helps us perform better in our daily lives.

Sometimes, as a mindfulness exercise, I pause and do a quick scan of my senses: what can I see right now? what can I hear? smell? taste? feel? You can incorporate this exercise rapidly into your morning coffee. Watch the steam rise from the mug. Listen to the sound of your sips. Inhale and taste the goodness. Feel the warmth radiating to your hand.

Doing this adds no time, but certainly adds value to your coffee-drinking experience. Focusing on every experience in this way not only helps you to remember better, but appreciate things more fully by really allowing you to be present.

(2) Don’t overdo it.

One or two cups of coffee frequently takes me from morning zombie to semi-functional humanoid. Much more than that, and I get palpitations and upset stomach. We need to take in all things in safety and moderation. THIS INCLUDES WORK. Pace yourself. If you need a break, take it.

(3) Say yes to cream or sugar if they make you happy
(and to hell with anybody who tells you not to).

Life is short. Drinking black coffee doesn’t make you a badass, loving yourself does.

(4) Rituals are important - don’t skip them.

Making the time to do things that give your life meaning and make life enjoyable is always worth it. Don’t hit the snooze button at the expense of the rest of your day! It doesn’t matter what your little daily rituals are, they’re sacred. It’s the way you tell your body and your mind that you are valued and cared for!

- Kiva-Marie ❤️