kiva-marie creations

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Mandalas for Mindfulness - Part II

Welcome to the second half of my blog posts on making mindful mandalas!

Last week I talked about the basic process of making a mandala and some general tips of how to use mandalas as part of your mindfulness practice.

This week I want to talk about what happens if you get stuck. Drawing mandalas IS a way of making beautiful art, but more than that, it’s about retraining your brain to focus on the here and now. Focus on just what you’re doing in this moment instead of worrying about the past or the future.

But what happens, you may worry (we can’t help it - humans worry a LOT), if you don’t have a plan for your mandala and half-way through you run out of ideas? Sometimes my mandalas just flow intuitively and I have no trouble filling space. Other times I get a bit stuck for ideas of how to fill the gaps. So this is how I push through and finish my mandalas.

(1) Stop and take a break - but make sure you come back to it later

(2) Don’t be afraid to leave some white space

(3) Use doodle sheets for pattern ideas

I’ve collected doodle sheets by just looking at a lot of mandalas. I copy down patterns that I like and think I may want to use in my own artwork. Doodle sheets are a wonderful way to trigger your creativity and remind yourself of patterns that you may have forgotten and would like to try using again.

I recommend having a page or two in your sketchbook to collect fill patterns that you like. Then when you feel stuck, you can either look at them for inspiration, or close your eyes and put your finger on the page to select a pattern at random!

Above all, be kind to yourself.  The biggest thing holding you back creatively right now is probably the part of yourself that self-criticises and tells you that your skills/creativity/dedication are not enough. I am going to squash that right here and tell you: YOU ARE ENOUGH.  What you practice grows stronger.  If you practice being kind to yourself and mindful while you draw, your creativity will expand by leaps and bounds. 

Here are two examples of doodle sheets to get you started! I’d love to see what you make. Please feel free to send me an email at, or tag me on instagram at @kivamariecreations! 

Nature-themed doodle sheet for mandala fill patterns

Lines and dots doodle sheet for mandala fill patterns