About me

Hi, I’m Kiva-Marie Belt (they/she). I am a self-taught, multidisciplinary artist from Seafoam, Mi’kma’ki (Nova Scotia), Canada. An introvert who finds solace in the constant cycles of nature, I’ve always felt like an outsider among other people.

I turned to making art for healing during a period of depression and post-traumatic stress. The dark time forced me to confront my own self-criticism about not fitting in. The act of creating art is radical acceptance of the weirdest parts of myself. It empowers me to use my unique voice to make a difference. I believe a better, more inclusive world that celebrates our differences is not only possible, but necessary.

My artwork calls for radical love of nature and ourselves. It calls for visibility and acceptance of the weirdos, the misfits, and the forgotten. My artwork is the hope and awe of perfect imperfection, of what is and of what can be.